
[Live. Love. Die.]: RESE Mission 3

The final episode of our mini playtest with Alex and Ryan.

This week we telegraph hard that our desire to explore one of the death moves, and we do deliver.
Our pilots run their newly improved mechs through their paces. The ground crews engage in some bonding. And then everything burns.

Content Warning: this episode depicts the emotionally charged death of a player character. We all were pretty moved by it, so I wanted to warn y’all that it could get emotional.

[Live. Love. Die.]: RESE Mission 2

It’s time for the second session of our first Playtest of LLD.
This week we look at more of the moves, Go on a mission, and confront a powerful enemy. This session is closer in format to what we envision a typical game of LLD to look like.

Also; it has Banshees.

Content Warning: this episode includes a gruesome death, mass graves, and the grief caused by both.

[Live.Love.Die.]: RESE Mission 1

Alex and Ryan join Ray, for a mini-playtest campaign of Live.Love.Die. a new mecha romance RPG that Ray is writing. In this session we take a look at character creation, setting generation, and get into some combat.

We hope you all enjoy this 3 part series of Live.Love.Die.


Interview with Brie Sheldon

We had occasion to talk to game designer, and fellow interviewer; Brie Sheldon. We talked about what motivates them to create, why they interview people, and Brie even gave us some ideas for Two Sided Quest!

We also tried out some slight modifications to our intro.


Interview with Ben Scerri

Ben is a Maltese-Australian game designer with a background in video game design; but he also makes RPGs. We had him on to talk about his history, his process, and some of his games. It was a blast and we can’t wait to play Ben’s stuff.

If you’d like to see more from Ben, he’s provided us with a list of links!

Twitter: @Ben_Scerri
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[Monsterhearts]: Four Now

The finale of our adventures in Monsterhearts, for a little while at least.

We had a discussion about our feelings on the game at the end of the episode rather than write up reflections; cause this was a short campaign.

No new episode of the podcast on the 28th, as we will be on vacation.


[Monsterhearts]: Zero and One

This is the session Zero and session One of our short Monsterhearts game. The session zero includes discussions of what elements we want to look at, what themes we want to deal with, and what we want to avoid. We talk about racism, sexism, and violence. We discuss safety tools.

Session One begins on in a dorm room, in a boys only boarding school, on an island. And the actually recording starts at 1h and 50m.
